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表紙フルカラー・B5サイズ・56ページ・全文英訳つき ■特別座談会☆TEXHNOLYZE同窓会☆  上田P、浜崎監督、キャラ原案・安倍先生に加え、オンラインにて脚本・高木さんと通りすがり?のI役Hさんも登場!14,000字! Special Meeting☆TEXHNOLYZEDS REUNION☆   Producer Yasuyuki Ueda , Director Hiroshi Hamasaki, and character designer Yoshitoshi ABe, and more, online appearance of scriptwriter Noboru Takagi and passerby H-san as "I"! 6,000words! ■ロングインタビュー 脚本・高木登さん  「鵺的な」脚本家   創作の軌跡  アニメと演劇、2つの世界を行き来する高木さんの経歴や創作術に迫る内容はアニメファンだけでなく演劇ファン、テクノライズ見たことない人も必読!12、000字! Long interview of Noboru Takagi Scriptwriter like a "Nue" - Trajectory of Creation  The contents of this article will take a close look at Mr. Takagi's background and creative techniques as he moves between the two worlds of anime and theater. A must-read not only for anime fans, but also for theater fans and those who have never seen TEXHNOLYZE! 5,500words! ■毎度おなじみファン寄稿!   重力祭主宰きよさん&かがみさん(a.k.aワイヤードの神様)による寄稿漫画! テクノライズ知らない人も知ってる人も楽しめる内容! Also the usual fan contributions! Contributed mangas by Kiyo-san(the presidents of Gravity Festival) & Kagami-san (a.k.a God of Wired), Enjoyable for both those who don't know Technorise and those who do! All contents includes English subtitle! You can use BOOTH overseas shipping. Please click here. → http://www.tenso.com/en/static/lp_shop_booth

表紙フルカラー・B5サイズ・56ページ・全文英訳つき ■特別座談会☆TEXHNOLYZE同窓会☆  上田P、浜崎監督、キャラ原案・安倍先生に加え、オンラインにて脚本・高木さんと通りすがり?のI役Hさんも登場!14,000字! Special Meeting☆TEXHNOLYZEDS REUNION☆   Producer Yasuyuki Ueda , Director Hiroshi Hamasaki, and character designer Yoshitoshi ABe, and more, online appearance of scriptwriter Noboru Takagi and passerby H-san as "I"! 6,000words! ■ロングインタビュー 脚本・高木登さん  「鵺的な」脚本家   創作の軌跡  アニメと演劇、2つの世界を行き来する高木さんの経歴や創作術に迫る内容はアニメファンだけでなく演劇ファン、テクノライズ見たことない人も必読!12、000字! Long interview of Noboru Takagi Scriptwriter like a "Nue" - Trajectory of Creation  The contents of this article will take a close look at Mr. Takagi's background and creative techniques as he moves between the two worlds of anime and theater. A must-read not only for anime fans, but also for theater fans and those who have never seen TEXHNOLYZE! 5,500words! ■毎度おなじみファン寄稿!   重力祭主宰きよさん&かがみさん(a.k.aワイヤードの神様)による寄稿漫画! テクノライズ知らない人も知ってる人も楽しめる内容! Also the usual fan contributions! Contributed mangas by Kiyo-san(the presidents of Gravity Festival) & Kagami-san (a.k.a God of Wired), Enjoyable for both those who don't know Technorise and those who do! All contents includes English subtitle! You can use BOOTH overseas shipping. Please click here. → http://www.tenso.com/en/static/lp_shop_booth